Bass, Berry & Sims attorney Leigh Walton will moderate a panel titled, “Corporate Director’s Guidebook: Evolving Trends in Shareholder Engagement & First Look at the 7th Edition,” at the 2020 ABA Business Law Virtual Section Annual Meeting (VSAM). The program will provide an overview of the basic advice to directors contained in the Guidebook, emphasizing changes in expectations and responsibilities of directors since the prior version. Panelists will also discuss the shifting landscape of director responsibilities in terms of interfacing with shareholders.
The 2020 ABA Business Law VSAM will be held September 21-25.
Leigh Walton co-chaired the Task Force of the Corporate Laws Committee of the American Bar Association (ABA) that led the development and publication of the seventh edition of the Corporate Director’s Guidebook. It is available to purchase from the ABA website. Bass, Berry & Sims has a limited supply of complimentary books available. If you are interested in receiving a complimentary copy of the book, please contact Leigh Walton.