Each year, October is designated as Celebrate Pro Bono Month by the Tennessee Bar Association. In 2022, the American Bar Association will celebrate pro bono contributions the week of October 23 and focus on the theme of Law in Everyday Life. Bass, Berry & Sims will be posting on social media about our pro bono work throughout the month – follow along with the #CelebrateProBono hashtag to learn about how we are partnering with organizations to strengthen families, empower communities and protect civil rights. Below are some videos of our attorneys sharing their pro bono experiences.


Aldo Mayro Pro Bono 2022 Pro Bono has been a cornerstone of our firm for 100 years. Aldo Mayro kicks off Pro Bono Month and introduces initiatives.
Pro Bono is central to who we are. Hear more from Pro Bono Member David Esquivel about our contributions to strengthen families, empower communities and protect civil rights. David Esquivel | Pro Bono 2022
Our attorneys are proud to work pro bono on asylum cases for refugees. Hear from Phil Berg about his experience.
Our attorneys support entrepreneurs from Corner to Corner as they develop businesses to support their families and community. Bass, Berry & Sims attorneys present classes on business formation and provide pro bono counsel. Garrah Carter-Mason shared how this work impacts economic justice.
Ashleigh Karnell supported the Tennessee Innocence Project and its mission to ensure justice for the wrongfully convicted as part of our Pro Bono Fellow Program. She discussed the importance of our ongoing partnership and work in this area.
Our attorneys are dedicated to pro bono work for criminal justice reform. Jeremy Gunn discussed his and the firm’s efforts to challenge the lethal injection protocol in Tennessee.
Angie Bergman | Pro Bono Video Through her pro bono work, attorney Angie Bergman helped the Nashville Community Bail Fund win a federal suit that will allow them to continue operating. Learn more about Angie’s work with NCBF.
The last week of October is the American Bar Association’s Celebrate Pro Bono Week and the theme for 2022 is Law in Everyday Life. Hear from Jay Moneyhun to see how our pro bono efforts address Law in Everyday Life.