Bass, Berry & Sims attorney Leigh Walton co-chaired the Task Force of the Corporate Laws Committee of the American Bar Association (ABA) that led the development and publication of the seventh edition of the Corporate Director’s Guidebook. Relevant to all corporate directors, this updated guidebook explores the role of directors in the ever-evolving area of engagement between a corporation and its shareholders. Director decisions and oversight responsibilities continue to be subject to a significant level of public and shareholder scrutiny. To help directors engage in effective oversight and decision-making processes, as well as effectively fulfill their duties to the corporation, this seventh edition discusses many topics including:
- Evolving duties of corporate directors
- Tension between long-term strategies for growth and interests of investors with a short-term focus
- Corporate responsibility and social goals in long-term value creation
- Sustainability and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) performance
- Board composition, refreshment, diversity, skills, and compensation
- Fiduciary duets and best practices in mergers and acquisitions
- Risk management, including processes for identification, assessment, and mitigation
The Corporate Director’s Guidebook is available to purchase from the ABA website. Bass, Berry & Sims has a limited supply of complimentary books available. If you are interested in receiving a complimentary copy of the book, please contact Leigh Walton.