Helpful Privacy Tips When Working from Home
It is a reasonably safe assumption that extended WFH will lead to increased TOSM (Time On Social Media). Unfortunately, when it comes to social media use protecting private information too often falls in the “Do as I say, Not as I do” category. In its most recent Cyber Risk Survey, Chubb reported that few people believe social media platforms are very secure (YouTube (24%); Facebook (22%); Instagram (21%); Twitter (20%); and surprisingly, LinkedIn (15%)). Roughly half of the survey respondents felt they were good or great at finding personal information about others online, and over 75% felt it was either somewhat or very easy for others to discover personal information about them. Even so, a third of the respondents continue to post photos of their children, spouses and travel plans and trips.
Social media is a means of communication, not a personal journal. One clinical psychologist suggests you ask yourself before you post personal information, “What purpose does it serve?” Wise words.
Check out our series, Privacy Perils, to learn what steps you can take to guard your personal and company data. For more information about this topic and other cyber security concerns, please contact a member of our Privacy & Data Security team.