Some of us cannot resist the lure of actual, but oftentimes illusory, online shopping deals available during Amazon Prime days or the upcoming Cyber Monday extravaganza. Do not let the excitement of the pursuit and purchase overcome your common sense and good judgment. As we all know by now, bad actors jump on current events because they give an air of legitimacy to an otherwise obvious scam. Special online shopping day purchases are prime targets for these schemes.

Automated calls are currently making the rounds preying on those who cannot remember whether they actually broke down and ordered that “had to have item” at 24% off (Only 12% claimed! Deal ends in 8 hours, 32 minutes and 47 seconds! Act now!). Amazon Support will not send you a recorded call. As with any business, if you genuinely have a concern about a purchase, contact customer support through the company’s website options.

Check out our series, Privacy Perils, to learn what steps you can take to guard your personal and company data. For more information about this topic and other cyber security concerns, please contact a member of our Privacy & Data Security team.