Bass, Berry & Sims attorney Britt Latham will speak on a panel called “The New Wave of Securities Class Action Litigation: Certification, Pivotal Issues Currently in Play from the U.S. Supreme Court, Settlement Considerations, Rebutting the Presumption of Reliance by Commissioning an Event Study, and More” at the National Forum on Securities Litigation & Enforcement hosted by American Conference Institute.
The panel will take place on Thursday, January 22 and will cover the following topics:
- Class certification stipulation: Perils and Plusses
- Defeating certification in securities class actions
- Class certification: Can you lose this battle but win the war?
- The effectiveness of the motion to dismiss in 2015
- Settlement strategies and considerations
The conference will be held January 22-23, 2015 at the Carlton Hotel in New York, New York. For more information and registration, click here.