Bass, Berry & Sims attorney Cindy Reisz provided comments to an article written by Dawn R. Crumel, the current chair of the Membership Diversity + Inclusion Committee at the American Health Law Association (AHLA), on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the organization. Dawn points out that AHLA is strongest when individuals from all walks of life come together, stressing that “We are more powerful when we consider the nuances and different perspectives in solving the issues faced by the health law industry.”
In the article, Dawn quotes 12 different AHLA board members who were asked to complete a sentence about diversity and inclusion. Cindy provided the following commentary: “We are all enriched when we appreciate the differences in our members.” Cindy currently serves as president-elect designate of AHLA.
The full article, “A Multitude of Voices: Why Diversity and Inclusion Benefits AHLA,” was published in the February 2020 issue of Connections.