Nashville, Tenn. (September 2, 2014) – Bass, Berry & Sims PLC is pleased to announce the launch of its new Twitter account @BassBerryLabor. This new account will be a resource for HR professionals and in-house counsel providing news and information on the complicated and constantly changing labor and employment laws affecting employers.
The @BassBerryLabor will supplement the content from the existing Bass Berry Labor Talk blog. Since July 2011 this blog has featured original and insightful commentary from firm attorneys on important issues and trends within the labor industry. The blog recently was rebranded to align with the launch of the new Twitter account.
“We are excited about the opportunity to increase the firm’s online presence through the new @BassBerryLabor account. For many years our labor attorneys have proactively provided insight to clients through alerts and blog posts and this new Twitter account will be a strong complement to our existing outlets,” says Tracy Paden, Managing Director of the Labor & Employment Practice Group at Bass, Berry & Sims.
@BassBerryLabor was officially announced today via the firm’s main Twitter account, @BassBerrySims. We invite you to follow us and retweet our information to your Twitter followers.
About Bass, Berry & Sims PLC
With more than 200 attorneys representing numerous publicly traded companies and Fortune 500 businesses, Bass, Berry & Sims has been involved in some of the largest and most significant litigation matters and business transactions in the country. For more information, visit