We recently settled a sensitive matter for a non-profit dialysis provider in which an employee had alleged that her employer’s treatment of her, in not returning her to work at the end of her extended leave, amounted to disability discrimination. The case’s sensitivity derived from the fact that this employee of 14 years had been on leave due to her contraction of Multiple Sclerosis. However, despite our client’s efforts to find the employee alternative work upon her release to return, the employee turned down several opportunities based upon the schedule demands of the job and the salary level (matters she denied in filing the EEOC charge).

Settlement of Sensitive Disability Discrimination Claim
Settlement of Sensitive Disability Discrimination Claim
We recently settled a sensitive matter for a non-profit dialysis provider in which an employee had alleged that her employer’s treatment of her, in not returning her to work at the end of her extended leave, amounted to disability discrimination. The case’s sensitivity derived from the fact that this employee of 14 years had been on leave due to her contraction of Multiple Sclerosis. However, despite our client’s efforts to find the employee alternative work upon her release to return, the employee turned down several opportunities based upon the schedule demands of the job and the salary level (matters she denied in filing the EEOC charge).