We represented a leading supplier and solutions provider to the foodservice, in-store bakery and retail marketplaces in a race/sexual discrimination case filed by a former employee claiming that of the varying disciplinary actions imposed for workplace incidents on third shift, she was the only employee terminated. However, as the company explained, she was the only “lead” on the third shift, and the company considered her subject to a higher standard given her job title and responsibilities. After discovery, the court granted our client summary judgment.

Defense of Race/Sexual Discrimination Case for Supplier to Food Industry
Defense of Race/Sexual Discrimination Case for Supplier to Food Industry
We represented a leading supplier and solutions provider to the foodservice, in-store bakery and retail marketplaces in a race/sexual discrimination case filed by a former employee claiming that of the varying disciplinary actions imposed for workplace incidents on third shift, she was the only employee terminated. However, as the company explained, she was the only “lead” on the third shift, and the company considered her subject to a higher standard given her job title and responsibilities. After discovery, the court granted our client summary judgment.