Bass, Berry & Sims is pleased to announce a new pro bono partnership with the Nashville Conflict Resolution Center (NCRC) to provide mediation assistance to Middle Tennessee families. Firm attorneys will work with NCRC to facilitate the difficult conversations necessary to resolve toxic conflict, helping low-income juveniles and adults referred by the courts to avoid catastrophes like eviction, school expulsion, and loss of parenting time with children. Though this new partnership, NCRC will be able to increase the referrals it accepts from Davidson County and the surrounding county courts and deepen its impact on both community safety and stability.
“NCRC is celebrating its 20th anniversary in the midst of significant growth, both in terms of the courts we currently serve and of those requesting our help,” stated Sara Figal, NCRC executive director. “This new Bass, Berry & Sims partnership will be of tremendous value in ensuring that we can accept this increase in referral requests, and it will advance our collective ability to make access to justice through mediation a reality for struggling residents of Middle Tennessee.”