On behalf of an 8(a) small business client, we filed a pre-award protest at the Government Accountability Office (GAO) after it was excluded from the competitive range in a small-business set-aside competition for a dorm maintenance contract valued at more than $100 million in support of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) facility at Glynco, Georgia. Less than a week after the protest was filed, FLETC took corrective action reversing its exclusion decision and providing our client another opportunity to compete for the contract.

Immediate Corrective Action After Competitive Range Exclusion Protest
Immediate Corrective Action After Competitive Range Exclusion Protest
On behalf of an 8(a) small business client, we filed a pre-award protest at the Government Accountability Office (GAO) after it was excluded from the competitive range in a small-business set-aside competition for a dorm maintenance contract valued at more than $100 million in support of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) facility at Glynco, Georgia. Less than a week after the protest was filed, FLETC took corrective action reversing its exclusion decision and providing our client another opportunity to compete for the contract.