Bass, Berry & Sims attorney Thad McBride will speak at the American Conference Institute (ACI) 6th Forum on U.S. Export & Re-Export for Canadian Operations on a panel titled, “When Things Go Sideways: From Incident Report to Internal Investigation to Voluntary Disclosure.” The panel will use a hypothetical scenario to illustrate the process, from the point of discovery of potential non-compliance through preliminary assessment and investigation, to the decision to make a voluntary self-disclosure.
Topics include:
- Responding to red flags and irregularities and when they warrant an internal investigation
- Appropriately scoping the internal investigation
- Multi-jurisdictional exposure and coordination in a global organization
- Agency guidelines, expectation and requirements for voluntary disclosures (BIS/DDTC/OFAC and GAC/CBSA/CGD/RCMP)
- New Canadian CGD 3-day disclosure requirement for actual or potential security breach
The ACI 6th Forum on U.S. Export & Re-Export for Canadian Operations program will be held January 31 – February 1, 2017 in Toronto, Ontario.